The Friendletter

Category Added in a WPeMatico Campaign

International Waffle Deals

Hello Friends!  Are you a morning person… …or do you look more like this little guy in the wee hours? 🙋‍♀️ Personally, I’m up around 4:30 a.m. daily due to my “alarm clock” (AKA an energetic dog) who’s ready to walk two miles before the sun comes up. At first, it was tough to get…

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Using the Radical Middle to Master Your Money

Happy Friday, Friends (and a very special happy birthday shoutout to my mom 🥳)! Last week, Kim shared some excellent advice about how we can all find our own version of the Radical Middle to hold tension between financial goals. One line has really stuck with me all week:  Finding the Radical Middle means laying…

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5 Sustainable (& Affordable) Clothing Brands

When Jen & Jill introduced me as a new Frugal Friend team member a couple weeks ago, you might have missed the part where I’m also a nomadic house and pet sitter. 🏠🐶 Let me tell ya… there’s nothing like living out of a suitcase and a backpack to make you more interested in minimalism! …

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March Freebie Madness

Happy Monday from Misti, Friends! 👋 I’ll be honest, I’m definitely the type of basketball fan (a.k.a, I’m not one) ⛹🏽‍♂️ that just had to Google how March Madness actually works. All I know is, true basketball fans will be tuned in to games for the next three weeks, and there seems to be a…

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Finding Your Version of the Radical Middle

Happy Friday, Friends! 🫶🏻 A new book in a series that I (Kim) adore came out recently (any other fantasy readers here?) and I’ve spent the past few days alternating between binging every word and complete apathy. I know a lot of us are the same when it comes to TV shows – either you…

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Upgrade Your Bed Sheets Without Spending a Fortune

Hi Friends!  I (Kim) have something to admit – I love sleeping. As soon as it gets dark outside, I start my nighttime routine so I can get the perfect amount of zzz’s 😴 before my alarm so rudely kindly wakes me up in the morning.  And naps? Don’t get me started! Heavenly. However, I’ve…

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St. Pat’s & Pi Day Freebies!

Hey friends, happy Monday 👋  It seems like every year we make it through the October – December holiday blitz ready to swear off holidays until next year’s HalloThanksMas shebang, and with the stress of the season it’s no wonder! However, I think that we’re sleeping on a seriously underrated holiday… …St. Patrick’s Day, of…

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Using the Focusing Question to Crush Your Money Goals

Last Friday, Kim spoke about the challenges of balancing commitments and shared some excellent advice about how practicing the skill of saying no can move us closer to our goals. I, for one, am excited to practice using a positive spin when I “say no to say yes to another commitment!” In the meantime, I’m…

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How to Spot Fake Reviews & Save Your Money

While listening to Jen & Jill’s recent episode How to Get Affordable Quality vs. Cheap Quantity (Ep 379), one of my first questions was: how do we even trust what’s quality or not these days? In a culture saturated with social media influencers and clickbait ads, it can be challenging to identify genuine advertisements and…

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