We’re ALLLLMOST into February which means no-spend January is about to come to a close! 😵
Just kidding!
Instead, let’s maximize our progress, understanding of self, and money saved to set ourselves up for an awesome, extended (thank you leap year!) February!
📝 What to Include in February’s Spending Plan 📝
💌 Valentines Day. Whether or not YOU are celebrating, keep in mind any kids class parties or friends outings.
🎟️ Pool-pass pre-sales. If the public pool is a life-saver for you and your kiddos during the Summer, now might be the time to purchase! Many spots offer winter discounts to those smart people like you who are planning ahead!
🧾 Income Tax Bill. Maybe you set your withholdings juuuust right this year and won’t have a bill (good for you!), but for many small business owners and entrepreneurs, this is the final opportunity to prepare for this expense!
📢 What’s on Sale? 📢
🧍♂️ Singles awareness Appreciation Day is Feb. 15th and there are tons of sales on candy/chocolate, flowers, and more so treat yourself (or a friend)! Amazon usually has deals, but so will other stores!
🪑 Furniture, appliances, computers, and mattresses all see discounts around President’s day (Feb. 19th)
🧥 Winter Clothing
🏡 Outdoor items. Think: patio furniture, grills, etc.
💸 February’s Big Money Move 💸
Put your no-spend January savings into a High Yield Savings Account (HYSA) like this one at CIT currently offering 4.65% APY!
BONUS: If you’re feeling highly motivated as you come out of this NSC, you should also check out Capitalize to make sure you don’t have any ‘forgotten’ 401(k)’s from previous employers. Capitalize will help you find those 401(k)’s and roll them over into an IRA of your choosing for FREE!! **
👩🍳 What to Cook 👩🍳
Let’s make use of that seasonal produce and save some money!

On Tuesday we released our conversation with Paco de Leon about how to Change Your Money Mindset (EP 374). Paco gave some great tips that will be crucial in seeing progress in our finances and experiencing peace in the process!
Today we are re-releasing a fan favorite, previously EP 195 is now EP 375 – Should You Still be Following the Baby Steps?. We pulled this from our archives, but it still holds up!
Tune in wherever you get podcasts and let us know what you thought of the episode over on our latest Instagram post!

Catch ya later,

⭐️⭐️ P.S. Want to share all this goodness with your friends AND earn cool Frugal Friends merch?
**Means this is a sponsored or affiliate section. We may earn a small fee or commission when you choose to try one of our sponsor or affiliate partners. But opinions are still 1000% our own.