3 Fast Fashion Brands to Avoid

Happy Hump Day from Kim, Friends!

Over the past year, I (Kim) have been on a health journey, which has involved a 40-lb weight loss annnnnd consequently a need for new clothing.

From baggy scrubs to dresses that do not fit the same, I’ve realized that I need to go on a serious shopping spree.

But with TikTok shop, fast fashion, and misleading ads, it’s hard to know who to trust!

That’s why I did some digging below and found out the top 3 fashion brands to avoid, and what ethical alternatives we can take.

⚠️ What to watch out for ⚠️

🟢 Greenwashing is when a company intentionally releases misleading information to make their product appear more ethical & sustainable. 

👌 Cheap products (think $15 jeans) generally indicate that the company doesn’t pay workers a fair wage or that the textile manufacturing isn’t green. Not to mention they won’t last very long!

🙅‍♀️ Top 3 Brands to Avoid 🙅‍♀️

1. Shein. Thanks to IG ads & influencers, this brand exploded into popularity. However, Shein drops over 500 new products a day! 😮 This contributes to a serious waste problem that affects the environment, and encourages throw-away culture, AKA the antithesis of frugality.

2. Zara. This popular brand might surprise you, considering Zara has pledged to reduce greenhouse emissions and utilizes recycled packaging.

However, Zara fails to pay a living wage to workers, which has incited protests in major production cities like Madrid as recently as last month.

3. H&M. The second largest fashion brand in the world might be #3 on this list, but IMO it is the biggest one to avoid. While H&M does recycle 35% of their textiles, the ethics of this company are shocking.

H&M does not pay a living wage, and when workers came forward with allegations of abuse & inhumane conditions, the company turned a blind eye. 

🔄 Top 3 Alternatives to Fast Fashion 🔄

1. Shop second hand online and buy gently used clothes to help the environment and save $$$. Our favorite browser extension, Beni, is a free tool that searches top secondhand websites for the clothing articles you need. Hello, new dresses! 🤩 **

2. I might be showing my age here, but throwing on Macklemore’s “Thrift Shop” while actually thrift shopping is a frugal win!

If you crave the hunt, going to thrift stores rather than shopping online is a great way to find used clothes and other hidden gems in person on a time crunch.

3. Make your own clothes! From library books to YouTube tutorials, there are plenty of free resources that detail how to make your own clothing from scratch. One simple investment in a sewing machine & green textiles and you have a new hobby + can impress all of your friends.

Bonus: Cosplayers are my go-to resource. These people build entire costumes. They can show you how to make a new tee, easy 💯

Catch you later, 

⭐️⭐️ P.S. Want to share all this goodness with your friends AND earn cool Frugal Friends merch?

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