Getting the Most from Your Local Library – EP 28

Libraries aren’t just for 6-inch voices and frail librarians anymore! Upon closer inspection, there is quite a lot to be gained from these community establishments. Beyond lending books, most libraries have a plethora of additional (FREE!!) resources and events just waiting to be discovered. Join Jill in being shocked by all libraries have to offer!


  • CookSmarts: A meal planning service that provides recipes, instructions, weekend prep options, and a shopping list for 4 meals per week. They have regular, gluten free, paleo and vegetarian versions that you can switch between and an archive of recipes to pick if you don’t like the recipes that week.
    • They are offering 3 free weeks of meal plans if you sign up at
    • AND they’re offering Frugal Friends 25% off with promo code frugal
  • Recycling: Do you have a glass bottle that you want to throw in the trash? resist the urge! instead – recycle it! Even better – use it as a garden decoration! Do you have an old t-shirt? Recycle it! Turn it into a cleaning rag. It’s better for the environment, fosters creativity, and creates sustainability. Europe does this far better than us Americans. But give it a try. Recycling.

Notable Notes:

  • What the Internet has to say:
    • This article from Book Riot lists 18 odd things you can borrow from the library. Not all will be available at your local library, but it certainly opens our eyes to the possibilities!
  • What Jen and Jill have to say:
    • We were reminded that in some cities there are “libraries of things”; not just public libraries, but places where you can loan out tools or cake pans!!
    • Jill was so excited to learn than many public libraries will loan out museum passes for popular museums or sights in that town’s area
    • We love the idea of the “living library” which allows you to “check out” people who can inform you on their knowledge or experiences in a particular area. 
  • More from the Internet:
    • Another article from Book Riot; this one provides 6 ways to utilize your library to it’s fullest potential! Included are tips on how to reserve books, reminders of all the varieties of items you can loan out, and how to approach your librarian 😉
  • More from Jen and Jill:
    • Libraries will allow you request titles even before they have been published. Get on that waiting list and save some money!
    • We also like the ‘interlibrary loan’ system which allows libraries to borrow from one another – this can be particularly helpful for cash-strapped students!
    • Use your library for audiobooks! These are great for long road trips!
    • Check out what you can loan out at your library – some will lend technology like rokus, cameras, game consoles, etc. This would be great for the kids’ sleepovers!!

BILL OF THE WEEK  – Thank you Susan for sharing how you lowered your internet bill – it’s amazing what we can get if we just ask!

Extra Tips

  • Download the Libby app for easy audio and ebook listening/reading
  • Jen’s library offers digital music and art lessons from
  • Learn a new language with pronunciator
  • Check to see if your library offers access to 
  • In California you can request a virtual card which grants access to ebooks from any library in the state 
  • Many libraries offer events for kids like story time or family movie nights
  • Most libraries also have toys to play while at the library and special exhibits
  • Consider utilizing the computers/internet at the library instead of going to the local coffee shop!

Frugal Friends Book Club

It’s November and we are reading “The More of Less” by Joshua Becker – head over to our Frugal Friends Community to join the discussion!

  • AND We are still giving away 1 book for every 5 reviews we get this month! You can get a free copy of December’s book: “The Millionaire Next Door” by Thomas J. Stanley&William D. Danko!
  • To enter; leave us a review on your podcast listening device (not just Itunes), screenshot the review, and email it to
  • We’ll select the winners for this book at the end of the month

Thank you so much for hanging out with us today! Hit the subscribe button wherever you’re listening to this episode and we’ll come at you every Friday with more frugal goodness. Until next week!

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