How to Get Affordable Quality vs Cheap Quantity – EP 379

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Why settle for cheap quality when you can have the best for less? No posh brand names and high price tags, but this episode is all about learning materials, durability, and all ways to acquire REAL reviews, not paid ones. Join Jen and Jill as they share ways to refine our ability in choosing affordable quality than cheap quantity. 

Don’t try to change everything in your life all at once, focus on one thing at a time


  • The Mega Survey. If you subscribed to our Friendletter, then this survey is already in your inbox, and today’s the last day that you could fill it out! We want to know some things about you that our advertisers are always asking for. This is how we are able to bring this show and the Friendletter to you for FREE–through partnerships. We want to partner with the people you want us to partner up with. That’s why we have the mega survey. We want your ideas for the episode, what you’re struggling with with your spending, and more. It is only a 10-question survey that has been in your inbox all week. Don’t forget to fill it out. Today is the last day!

10 Reasons to Choose Quality over Quantity in Life

This article by Develop Good Habits defines quality over quantity by providing real-life applications that resonate with our daily experiences.

What Jen + Jill have to say:

Jill emphasizes the hidden costs of buying cheap and how significant the value found in quality over quantity is. It is worth considering that one should invest time and energy in researching and choosing durable items to lead to long-term savings and a more intentional and sustainable lifestyle. Jen mentions how it could be difficult to shake off how we purchase things because of how we were conditioned to think at a very young age—we’re conditioned to want more. Intentional spending decisions lead to less stress, more simplicity, and a meaningful connection with the possessions one owns.

The best of both worlds: How to find quality products without spending a lot of money

This article by J.D. Roth shares personal and readers’ experiences and tips on ways to find quality yet affordable products.

What Jen + Jill have to say:

Seek quality items at an affordable price through clearance sections and close-out sales. Jill shares buying a fridge at a significantly reduced cost with minor imperfections and strong integrity, like a brand new one. Try exploring online platforms like eBay, Craigslist, and Facebook Marketplace for used or pre-owned items. To help you decide which items are worth purchasing, Jen recommends two websites, Consumer Reports and Wirecutter, for unbiased and well-researched reviews. There’s also a great website called Beni, a Google Chrome extension that helps users find both new and second-hand items across various online stores and see the different price points some may offer.

Best example of where paying more has saved you more

Jen chose a jogging stroller for its durability, which has saved them from needing to purchase two separate strollers. On the other hand, Jill’s well-loved Vitamix has proved its value, as she has been using it since November 2022 without encountering any issues or needing a replacement.

Bill of The Week

Thank you Victoria for sharing your rubber duck bill!

Thanks so Much for Listening!

Thanks so much for listening. Many of you know we have a newsletter called The Friendletter that goes out 3x a week where we send out freebies, saving tips, and life hacks to help you save money. We want to give a shout out to this friend for replying to us this sweet email:

I love this newsletter, and I was just talking to a co-worker who's going through kind of a hard time. Her and I both had our car stolen recently lol what are the odds. But we're both trying to get back on our feet and I told her you have to let people know that you have to think about your financial security movement forward and that you can't buy for all your friends, family members, co-workers. Anyone that really cares about you is going to understand that you need to get yourself in a better financial situation for your future and to take care of yourself before getting anyone any kind of gift. They would be selfish or not understand. So thank you so much for you guys bringing these topics up about boundaries and reality and following your goals and thinking realistically. Happy holidays! 🩷

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