How to Save Money by Living in an RV – EP 78 

Have you ever considered taking extreme measures to pay down debt or save money? Have thoughts of tiny living ever entered your mind? Do you wonder what it would be like to live in a small space? We’ve considered it all and Jill is here to tell you about it! She’s currently living in a 170sq. ft. trailer and previously lived in a motorhome and now we’re finally letting her share all the insight about the pros and cons and how to do it right! 

*Sponsors: *

  • Personal Capital: Personal Capital is an online financial advisor and personal wealth management tool that allows you to see your entire financial picture at a glance. And you can get a free $20 amazon gift card by signing up for personal capital and linking an investment account with at least $1000 in it. Sign up through our referral link: to get yours!
  • Genie in a Bottle: not the Christina Aguilera version but the Alladin version reminding us of “Phenomenal cosmic powers, itty bitty living space”. You too can experience all the financial cosmic power of small spaces while living itty bitty. Genie in a bottle – don’t have one – BE ONE!

Notable Notes:

What the Internet has to say:

This article from Axle Addict explores whether living in an RV could actually save you money, complete with tips on how to calculate if this would be the right ‘move’ for you!

What Jen+Jill have to say:

  • How much money you save depends on you – you can still spend TONS of money even when living ‘small’
  • Set up a cost comparison
    • Make a list of every expense
    • Make another list of the expenses that will remain when living in an RV
    • Subtract list 2 from list 1 to see what kind of savings you can anticipate!
  • Important considerations
    • Type of RV – trailer, 5th wheel, motorhome (class A, B or C), mobile home, park model, etc.
    • Knowing how to repair/maintain the RV – this can account for unforeseen costs if not ‘handy’
    • Finding affordable parking
  • Limited possessions can equal lower expenses since it means you have less space to put things and less reason to buy!

More from the Internet:

This article from Heath and Alyssa answers 21 commonly asked questions of those living an RV. We picked out our favorites and Jill gave her perspective as well!

More from Jen+Jill:

  • Do you ever get tired of living in a small space? Ultimately no, but I do miss the luxuries sometimes!
  • How do you handle TV/Internet/mail?
    • Mail: forwarding, P.O. box; it depends on if traveling or stationary
    • Internet: if parked at a campgrounds it’s often provided. Jill uses ubiquiti nano station (a high power directional antenna that can pick up internet within a 5-mi range). Check out David Bott for more info on this and other helpful technology tips!
  • RV vs. Tiny house – this depends on preference, Jill likes the increased mobility of an RV and they can often be found at much less expensive prices than buying or building a tiny home

BILL OF THE WEEK – Thanks Emily for sharing your bill with us!

Lightning Round

Jill’s top tips for RV living

  • Macerator Pump – you know the kind 🙂
  • Quality over Quantity
  • Tankless Water Heater– not a normal hot water heater – but great when you get used to it – people who don’t like it must not be using properly
  • Make it Beautiful – make it useful (organization, minimalism!) – make it a space you actually want to be in!
  • All in one washer dryer – LG 2.3cu all in one – this thing is amazing!!

Frugal Friends Book Club:

For this month’s frugal book club book we are “Retire Before Mom and Dad” by Rob Berger!

  • If you want a free copy, leave us a review on iTunes or Stitcher, screenshot the review and send it to We’ll select the winners at the end of the month.

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