Frugal Friends Book Club: 4 Books to Read This Fall – EP 235

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If you’re an OG listener, you may have heard of the Frugal Friends Book Club from our earlier episodes. But if you’re new here, we welcome you with open arms as we introduce you to 4 books we have read or have been wanting to read this fall. Join us as we talk about these books and the reason why we picked them. Who knows, you might find yourself checking out one of these books after this episode. 

Making more money is not evil.


  • The library. The library is here, you might have forgotten about libraries with all the Audible ads you’re hearing on podcasts. #notsorry thank you, Amazon for paying my bills. But the library wants you to know she is here for you and your book needs. She’s got paperback, hardback, audiobooks, and even Kindle books (thank you again Amazon) so before you go to a big box retailer or online store, look for your books on the library website and/or app. And ask your librarian what perks you get outside of free books. Library, consider those late fees an investment in your book borrowing future. 

Something Old[er than 5 years]

The Behavior Gap: Simple Ways to Stop Doing Dumb Things with Money.
Jen and Jill picked this book as they resonate, having moments where we ask ourselves, “Why am I doing things I know aren’t good for me and I say I don’t want to do?”. It questions and talks about our mindset and behavior around the things we do. It will help us identify our real financial goals, start meaningful conversations, and simply our financial life. 

Why Jen + Jill picked it
We’ve all had moments where we ask “why am I doing things I know aren’t good for me and I say I don’t want to do?” It’s the behavior gap.

Something New[er than 1 year]

The Lazy Genius Kitchen: Have What You Need, Use What You Have, and Enjoy It Like Never Before
Everyone wants to save money on food! Who doesn’t? We recognize doing it comes down to strategy and you need to be able to execute a meal plan for it, well, this book offers a comprehensive strategy for that! Jen is impressed by the author, Kendra Adachi’s philosophy in life through this book. Inside, the author has asked readers to name what matters to you in the kitchen whether it’s the flavor, convenience or something else entirely. 

Why Jen + Jill picked it
Everyone wants to save money on food! Doing it comes down to strategy. You need to be able to execute a meal plan and this book offers a strategy for doing that. 

Something Borrowed [from our listeners]

The Conscious Closet: The Revolutionary Guide to Looking Good While Doing Good
This book is a must for our fellow frugal friends, especially those who are still struggling to let go of some of their clothes. It came out in 2019 but unlike many other things that came out pre-pandemic, we can say this is still relevant and maybe, timeless. It teaches you to change the way you buy clothes not only to save you money but to better the lives of the people making your clothes. 

Why Jen + Jill picked it:
It came out in 2019 but unlike many other things that came out pre pandemic it’s still relevant. And cheap clothing costs us a lot. Whether it’s impulse buying clothing on sale or buying clothes that don’t last, changing the way you buy clothes will not only save you money but it will better the lives of the people making your clothes. 

Something Blue

Good Money Revolution: How to Make More Money to Do More Good
Derrick Kinney was a guest in one of our previous episodes and we loved our interview with him–he was genuine, nice and a remarkable guest, making us want to read his book. It is good to be reminded how we can do more with the money we make than spending it on a takeout or a trip to Starbucks. As people who are physically and mentally capable of making more money, we have a responsibility to do it so we can care for those who physically or mentally cannot.

Why Jen + Jill picked it:
Aside from the cover being blue, we loved our interview with Derrick Kinney. He is so genuine and nice and that makes me want to read his book. But also It’s good to be reminded that we can do more with the money we make than spending it on takeout. As people who are physically and mentally capable of making more money, we have a responsibility to do it so we can care for those who physically or mentally cannot.

Our 2022 FICTION book recommendation

Children’s books and The Four Winds by Kristin Hannah!!!

How to Start a Book Club

Bill of The Week

Thank you Victoria from Clearwater, FL – we are so glad that your daughter’s summer camp scholarship was covered and a FREE overnight Summer camp.

Thanks so Much for Listening!

Thanks so much for listening! Many of you know we have a private community where we do monthly money challenges and offer accountability groups. We want to congratulate one of our members for a big win:

I found Jen & Jill just over one month ago!

The Spending Symposium weekend was my introduction to this new way of living and thinking about money. I’ve made some significant changes in the past month, and for the first time, I have actually analyzed what I did. Here’s what I have found!

🌟 Increased my savings balance by 27% this month.
🌟 Decreased my spending by 87% this month.
🌟 Initiated a long term investment porfolio with a professional financial adivsor.
🌟 Opened my employer matching 401k account this month.
🌟 Increased my income by 20% this month.
🌟 Made my first 5% goal toward debt pay off this month!
🌟Eliminated ELEVEN subscription/memberships totaling $259/month savings, including Amazon Prime (which will save me untold millions over the course of my life… I jest, kind of)!!!!

Congrats! Thanks for listening and if you want to check out our monthly challenge community head to to see what challenge we have coming up next.

Keep leaving us reviews on iTunes or Stitcher, and sending the screenshot to And don’t forget to share your favorite quote from the episode by using the hashtag #FrugalFriendsNote. 😉

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