How To Achieve Digital Minimalism – EP 61

Now that we’ve de-cluttered and minimized our homes, it’s time to simplify our digital lives! Beyond deleting files from your computer, we also talk about being more mindful about how we are spending our time and money online. Mindless technology use can lead to mindless spending so let’s talk digital minimalism!


Master Your Money Super Bundle: This one’s not a sponsor but an amazing deal and every purchase supports the show. The Master Your Money Super Bundle is a collection of 45 courses, ebooks, printables and videos to help you do better in all areas of your money. Whether that’s budgeting, paying off debt, investing, making more money, whatever. The bundle has over $1200 worth of resources in it but you can get it for only $49.97 when you visit

Running: Have you considered walking outside but would like to go faster? Try running. Running can get you away from your phone, your problems, and your life while improving your cardiovascular health and preventing you from spending money. Running. Like walking but slightly faster.

Notable Notes:

What the Internet has to say:

  • This article from Nick Wignall lays the foundation and answers the question: ‘what is digital minimalism?’ It describes the tenets and values of digital minimalism and why it’s worth pursuing.

What Jen + Jill have to say:

We like this quote:

“Digital minimalism is a philosophy that helps you question what digital communication tools (and behaviors surrounding these tools) add the most value to your life. It is motivated by the belief that intentionally and aggressively clearing away low-value digital noise, and optimizing your use of the tools that really matter, can significantly improve your life.” – Cal Newport

  1. Technology use should be intentional, not habitual. Technology is HIGHLY addictive so guard against mindlessness!

By being more intentional with the ways you interact with technology you will also be less susceptible to influence from marketers and advertisers trying to take our money on ‘mindless’ purchases

2. Technology is for making stuff, not feeling better

3. Technology should never come before people. It promises connection – but often impedes relationship with those currently in front of us

‘Mindfulness’ is such a buzz word but it speaks to an intentionality that truly is helpful making the best choices for ourselves and our emotional, physical, mental, and financial well-being!

More from the Internet:

  • This article from Medium gives tangible tips on how to achieve digital minimalism. From ways to organize your desktop to common practices you can begin incorporating now.

More from Jen + Jill:

  • Minimalism has less to do with stuff and more to do with mindset
  • Use the computer intentionally
  • Focus on adding value – and making accessible the things you use on a regular basis
  • Clean up desktop, choose clean wall-paper, hide your dock (dock preferences), uninstall programs, install updates (be careful with this!), work in full-screen mode
  • Gain a better phone experience: Remove apps, remove social media (not a bad thing, but a bad habit), choose a mindful home screen. Make the 4 most used apps accessible and put the rest in a folder. Clean up contacts, use search, remove notifications, use ‘do not disturb’
  • Internet: Know your time wasters, unfollow and unfriend, block websites
  • Simplify files

BILL OF THE WEEK – Thanks Kathy for sharing your bill about paying down your mortgage and your excitement to reach this goal! We are excited with you!

Lightning Round

4 tools to help you reduce your technology intake:

  1. StayFocusd: A free productivity extension for Google Chrome that restricts the amount of time you can spend on time-wasting websites. Similar extensions include SelfControl for Mac, Leechblock for Firefox, and Cold Turkey for Windows.
  2. A web service that filters all your commercial emails into one daily email called a Roll Up. So instead of getting 30 promotional newsletters everyday you can see them all in one and easily unsubscribe from those you don’t want.
  3. App Limits: This is built into the iPhone in iOS 12 under Screen Time. You can see how much time you’re spending in your apps and set limits for how long you want to spend in there each day.
  4. News Feed Eradicator: An extension for Chrome and Firefox that replaces your Facebook news feed with an inspirational quote.

Frugal Friends Book Club:

It’s June and we’re reading Digital Minimalism by Cal Newport for book club!

  • If you want a free copy, leave us a review on iTunes or Stitcher, screenshot the review and send it to We’ll select one winner for every 5 reviews at the end of the month.

See you next week!

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