Using Apps to Save Time & Money Meal Planning

Happy Wednesday, Friends! 🌻

Do you ever just feel like you enter a black hole when you go inside a grocery store?

No, just me?

I don’t know how it happens, but most times I (Misti) go to a store (especially without a list), I somehow end up with the strangest combination of ingredients I have to find a way to meal plan with.

While that can sometimes be fun, it can also be annoying, time consuming, and wasteful.

The last time this happened to me, I remembered the time I participated in a no-spend month and challenged myself to go as long as possible only cooking with ingredients I already had in my pantry instead of buying more groceries.

I spent so much time creating an Excel spreadsheet to mix and match ingredients, and I still ended up wasting things or needing to buy more things to make a complete meal.

I felt like I just wasn’t creative enough to fully maximize this endeavor. 

If I could do it over, I’d definitely outsource this task instead of doing it on my own.

If anyone else feels the same, let me introduce you to one of the coolest websites and mobile app I’ve found this month: My Fridge Food.

🗄️ How to Use My Fridge Food to Save Time & Money

  1. Take inventory of the ingredients you have on hand. 📋

  2. Head over to the My Fridge Food website or mobile app to check off the ingredients you already have. Click on “find recipes.” 💻

  3. Scroll through the results and identify new recipes that stand out. You can even filter by category and calories! Pay attention to if there are any “missing ingredients” listed under the recipe. You may find enough recipes that only use the ingredients you already have. If not, you can use the list of missing ingredients to quickly add items to your grocery list! 🖥️

I personally love the idea of using this app to find new ideas for recipes, as my go-to meal plans quickly grow old. 🙌

If you try this app out, email us to let us know what you think!


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👆 That guy. Obviously, it’s the picture we chose to represent feeling zen about retirement. Definitely not the pre-loaded image from Advisor. 🙃 But really, friends, we do think Advisor’s great!


⭐️⭐️ P.S. Want to share all this goodness with your friends AND earn cool Frugal Friends merch?

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