Intentional Generosity – EP136

We believe frugality is a means to an end, not the end itself. We all have our ‘whys’ for being frugal and for us a big reason is the room it provides for generosity. Join us as we explore ways to maximize our financial giving.


  • Debt Free Christmas Planner- Every year you have the best intentions about controlling your holiday spending and every year you forget something. That’s why Jen made this FREE Christmas planner to help you  record every cost and stay on budget this holiday season. This planner will help you keep track of your spending on family traditions, recipes, dinners and parties, gifts and more to make sure you don’t miss anything. Then use the 2021 planning chart to make sure you’re on track to saving the right amount next year! If this sounds like something you need head to to get your free planner.
  • It’s better to give than receive: we’re over the moon that an entire phrase has sponsored this episode! We despised hearing this as young kids when we just really wanted some presents; but as we enter into adulthood we recognize that giving has some amazing benefits too! No one is entirely altruistic – so give and get some of those warm fuzzy feels that come from helping another human.

Notable Notes:

What the internet has to say:

This article from Life Water provides us with tips on ways to identify where and how to give, while determining how to maximize your financial contributions.

What Jen + Jill have to say:

  • Find an organization that aligns with your values and populations you desire to help
  • Participate in a non-profits work; consider not just financial gifts, but also giving of your time
  • Consider long term impact; learn about how the organization you desire to give to is creating long term change and solutions

More from the Internet:

This article from Charity Navigator provides tangible steps in finding places to give financial, and what to look for in non-profits

More from Jen + Jill:

  • 1. Be proactive in giving
  • 2. Research your giving
  • 3. Discuss results and impact
  • 4. Consider the way you give (1x vs. monthly, etc)
  • 5. Follow your investment

BILL OF THE WEEK – Thank you Shawnee from South Carolina for binge listening to this podcast AND sharing your bill about how you canceled your direct TV bill to save $110/month!!

If you want to submit your bill of the week visit to leave us a bill

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Lightning Round

Our 2021 charitable giving goals

  • Jen- I just signed up to donate $50 a month to A Door of Hope. I want to give more to support foster families and kids experiencing trauma as a result of separation.
  • Jill– we give 10% of income. Plan to continue doing this. And hope to be generous in our hosting of people


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Thanks for listening! See you next week!

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