How to Utilize Buy Nothing Groups – EP 255

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Nothing gets our ears perked up more than the word “FREE.” We love free and ACTUAL useful stuff because who doesn’t? Buy Nothing Groups are a great way to get things for free and to pass on things you don’t need. In this episode, the Frugal Friends are excited to do a deep dive into them as they share the purpose, alternatives, problems you may encounter, and useful tips on joining buy nothing groups. 

When you are throwing away stuff, you’re paying for your city’s dump .


  • Debt Free Stories. We are doing a project to inspire our listeners paying off debt and celebrate those of you who’ve been listening and succeeding with your debt payoff goals. If you’ve reached a debt payoff goal we want to hear from you. Please head to for more info and to fill out a short pre-screen survey. 

5 Reasons Why I Love Buy Nothing Groups (And You Will, Too!)

Buy Nothing Groups sounds interesting yet daunting at first but these are only some of the reasons why we think you’d love to join them soon. This Simple By Emmy’s article highlights things to hype you about Buy Nothing groups.

What Jen + Jill have to say:

The likelihood of people flaking out on you or sending a message if the item you posted is still available then ghosting you wouldn’t happen much as Jill believes Buy Nothing Groups are hyper local. It also values generosity and giving everybody an opportunity to be able to have access to certain things by letting posts simmer (so a lot of people can see it first). 

Jen likes how it focuses on abundance, creativity, and collaboration rather than the scarcity culture. This also invites us to live sustainably and think secondhand first which Jen and Jill are big advocates for. 

How to Start and Participate in a Buy Nothing Group

Whether you don’t have one or you do, this article by Paige Wolf provides useful tips on how to join and participate in these Buy Nothing Groups. And if you’re not using Facebook, the Frugal Friends left some tips for other alternatives wherein you can join the community. 

What Jen + Jill have to say:

Jen, who is a member of her local Buy Nothing Group highly recommends searching for one near you on Facebook. By joining, you have to remember to give freely from your own abundance. The group is not only limited to material things but you can also share your skills and services within the community. 

Jill warns us to set clear boundaries upon joining these groups BUT do not hesitate to ask for help. It is also not a platform to buy or sell things, you have to approach people nicely and show appreciation. 

The best material thing that we got for free

Jill’s best was a hot tub and a car while for Jen, a crib and all the baby things (honestly).

Bill of The Week

Thank you Michelle from Chicago for sharing about how you paid off these medical bills and no longer feel the stress lingering over you!

Thanks so Much for Listening!

Thanks so much for listening! Many of you know we have a private community where we do monthly money challenges and offer accountability groups. We want to congratulate one of our members for a big win:

Debt payoff Win!!

I was able to pay an EXTRA $380 to debt this month!!

Congrats! Thanks for listening and if you want to check out our monthly challenge community head to to see what challenge we have coming up next.

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