In a time where indulgence in impulsive buying and consumerism is being equated with self-care, practicing frugality is harder than one may think. Frugality fosters a mindset and lifestyle of creativity, advocating for intentional spending. In this episode, Jen and Jill talk about how frugality encourages one to unleash their creativity in budgeting and saving with Miranda Anderson.
It's about deciding that what you have is enough rather than deciding that it isn't.
- Spring break! Schools close down and students, TURN UP! Our lovely city of St. Pete is the prime destination for the college kids, but all you families with kids just trying to enjoy a fun break it’s good to remember not to merge the babies with the drunken twenty-somethings. Something else that’s good to remember is your old 401(k)!
If you ever left a job, it’s highly likely you left behind a retirement investment account just sittin’ there. Let Capitalize help you find any old 401(k) and roll it over into an IRA of your choice.
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As a speaker, teacher, podcast host and author, Miranda Anderson provides tools and inspiration for women to live a creative, adventurous, and intentional life. In 2019, she published ‘More Than Enough’ to chronicle her family’s 12-month no-shopping challenge that both shaped their perspective and family culture, and informed some of her most popular content on sustainability and intentionality.
The 12-month No Shopping Challenge
Miranda realizes that her habits are not aligned with her values and that their family do a 12-month no shopping challenge.
Balancing the Opposing Energies of Creating and Consuming
Miranda highlights that when you need something that you cannot easily acquire, your mind goes to work in new ways. So rather than consuming something by buying, you can consume by creating and exercising your creativity.
Creativity and Society's Constant Focus on the End Game
Separating out how much we’re actually consuming vs creating and looking out on other people’s world vs building tangible in your own space.
What we're creating right now that we're excited about
- Miranda: Garden
- Jill: Renovations
- Jen: The summit
Get more from Miranda Anderson
Thanks so Much for Listening!
Thanks so much for listening. Many of you know we have a newsletter called The Friendletter that goes out 3x a week where we send out freebies, saving tips, and life hacks to help you save money. We want to give a shout out to this friend for sending us this email as a response to our Friendletter:
Thank you, Friends, for offering this No Spend January. I noticed that my debits in my checking account go mostly to bills (utilities, mortgage) and less to Kroger and Aldi. Win! I also noticed that I generate less trash waste and less recycling waste. Lastly, I made 3 big new-to-me meals using food I had in my freezer and pantry. I am doing a No Spend February now. Thanks again for all you do.
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