Homesteading for City Dwellers – Ep 51

Homesteading is becoming more and more appealing , especially in the world of frugality, but what can be done for those of us who don’t sit on property or don’t plan to invest in land? Have no fear! Homesteading is not just about having a vegetable garden, it’s also a way of life with many practices that can be incorporated even into tiny or urban living situations!


Master Your Money Super Bundle: This one’s not a sponsor but an amazing deal and every purchase supports the show. It’s called The Master Your Money Super Bundle. It’s a collection of 45 courses, ebooks, printables and videos to help you do better in all areas of your money. Whether that’s budgeting, paying off debt, investing, making more money, whatever. The bundle has over $1200 worth of resources in it but you can get it for only $47 when you visit

Living on less than one income: Do you have a spouse who’s income you benefit from? Forgetaboutit! Forget about that extra money and live on less than one income. Are you single and living on just what you make? Live on less than your income! Wondering what to do with all that extra!? Fatten up your emergency fund or contribute more to your 401(k). That way when your job lays off 45 people in one day you won’t be as stressed to lose your income when you’re 30 weeks pregnant.

Notable Notes:

What the Internet has to say:

  • This article from Lovely Greens gives some simple tips on the ‘how-to’s’ of starting an urban homestead. It’s an excellent combo of mindset shifts and tangible practices!

What Jen and Jill have to say:

  1. Remove yourself from consumerism – this is a thoughtful starting point!
  2. Learn the ways of old – don’t reinvent the wheel! There’s some tried and true practices out there!
  3. Be a good steward of the land by practicing the 5 R’s:

-REFUSE to buy one-time use plastics and non-recyclable products.

-REDUCE the amount you use by becoming a minimalist.

-REUSE an item over and over again before recycling.

-REPURPOSE by giving a new purpose to old items. Turn that milk jug into a lantern.

-RECYLCE all items that have been through the first 4 R’s.

4. Live sustainably and support local economy

5. Share your knowledge – pass on what you’ve learned! It’s what we do here in our community and it comes with the territory of living a lifestyle worth replicating

More from the Internet:

This article from My Humble Kitchen gives us 5 frugal strategies for creating an urban homestead. This one makes homesteading feel very attainable in any neighborhood!

More from Jen and Jill: 

1.Work as a team; this saves both energy and finances when labor is divided up and chances of needing to hire someone are reduced

2. Start small – we can’t emphasize this enough! Build up to the level at which you want to be; you will gain knowledge along the way and excitement to do/learn more

*link to tiered composting planter. There are less expensive options out there, but this is the idea!

3. Upcycle – give things a new purpose AND save cash (the article gives pallet wood, and recycled barrels as examples)

4. Make your own compost soil – reduces amount thrown into the trash and enriches the soil!

5. Save seeds and grow your own starts, this is a money saver AND possibly even a money maker!

BILL OF THE WEEK – Chris – thank you for another great bill – we love our repeat callers!

If you want to submit your bill of the week visit to leave us a bill

Lightning Round

3 Things You Can Do Today to Start Homesteading

  1. Connect with likeminded people in your community. And get to know your neighbors and local laws regarding homesteading.
  2. Start a compost. You literally just need to put food scraps and stuff you can find outside into a sealable container and roll it around every few days. 2:1 green to brown.
  3. Bake your own bread. Madeline in our Facebook group does this and said she saves loads of money. But Joel pointed out that it saves LOAVES of money 😉

BONUS: listener Ariana wrote a great blog post about how to start an affordable herb garden, check it out here

Frugal Friends Book Club:

It’s April and we’re reading Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

  • If you want a free copy, leave us a review on iTunes or Stitcher, screenshot the review and send it to
  • We’ll select the winners at the end of the month.

See you next week!

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